Delving into Unsafe Rust: Power with Responsibility

Delving into Unsafe Rust: Power with Responsibility

In our previous articles, we explored the power and elegance of Rust's ownership system, ensuring memory safety and preventing common pitfalls like dangling pointers and buffer overflows. However, the world of systems programming sometimes demands venturing beyond Rust's default safety guarantees. This is where unsafe Rust comes in, offering us the ability to interact with raw memory or low-level system functionalities.

While unsafe Rust unlocks a new level of control, it's crucial to remember the responsibility that comes with it. Bypassing Rust's safety checks requires a deep understanding and careful handling to avoid introducing vulnerabilities and negating the very strengths that make Rust so attractive.

This article delves into the world of unsafe Rust, exploring its capabilities and the situations where it might be necessary. We'll equip you with the knowledge to use unsafe Rust judiciously and effectively, while always prioritizing the safety and maintainability of your code.

Understanding Unsafe Rust

The unsafe keyword signifies that a block of code or a function might violate Rust's safety guarantees. When you use unsafe, you're essentially telling the compiler to trust your judgement and take responsibility for any potential issues that might arise. Here are some common scenarios where unsafe Rust is used:

  • Interacting with raw pointers: Pointers provide direct memory access, bypassing Rust's ownership system. This can be useful for performance-critical operations or integrating with external libraries that use raw pointers.

  • Manual memory management: Rust's ownership system automatically handles memory deallocation. However, in rare cases, you might need to manage memory manually using unsafe. This is typically only necessary for very low-level system programming tasks.

  • FFI (Foreign Function Interface): Interacting with functions written in other languages like C often requires unsafe code to manage memory and data type conversions between Rust and the foreign language.

Unsafe Code with Caution

While unsafe Rust unlocks new possibilities, it should be used judiciously. Here's why:

  • Loss of Safety Guarantees: Bypassing Rust's safety checks can introduce memory leaks, dangling pointers, and data races. These errors can be difficult to detect and lead to crashes or security vulnerabilities.

  • Increased Complexity:unsafe code is often more complex and harder to reason about. Debugging issues in unsafe code can be challenging.

  • Maintenance Overhead: Maintaining unsafe code becomes a burden as Rust evolves. Changes to the language or standard library might require revisiting and potentially rewriting unsafe sections.

Sample Code Examples

  1. Raw Pointers:
unsafe fn increment(ptr: *mut i32) {
  // Dereference the raw pointer to access the value
  *ptr += 1;

fn main() {
  let mut num = 5;
  let mut ptr = &mut num as *mut i32; // Get a raw pointer to the variable
  unsafe {
    increment(ptr); // Call the unsafe function
  println!("Incremented value: {}", num); // Output: Incremented value: 6


  • This code defines an unsafe function increment that takes a raw pointer to an integer.

  • Inside the function, we dereference the pointer using *ptr to access the actual value it points to.

  • We then increment the value and the change is reflected in the original variable num.

  • The main function demonstrates how to obtain a raw pointer from a mutable reference and call the unsafe function.

  1. FFI (Foreign Function Interface):
#[link(name = "C")]
extern "C" {
  fn c_strlen(str: *const c_char) -> size_t;

fn main() {
  let string = "Hello, world!";
  let length = unsafe { c_strlen(string.as_ptr()) };
  println!("Length of string: {}", length);


  • This code uses FFI to call a C function c_strlen that calculates the length of a C-style string.

  • We declare the function signature using extern "C" to indicate it's written in C.

  • c_strlen takes a raw pointer to a null-terminated C string (*const c_char).

  • We convert the Rust string to a raw pointer using as_ptr and call the C function in an unsafe block.

  • The result (string length) is returned by the C function.


  1. Write an unsafe function to swap the values of two integer variables using raw pointers.

  2. Implement a simple unsafe doubly linked list where you manage memory allocation and deallocation manually.

  3. Explore the std::mem::transmute function and its usage within unsafe code.

  4. Try calling a system function like read or write using unsafe Rust (refer to relevant documentation for details).

  5. Investigate how macros like assert! can be used for safety checks within unsafe code.


1. Building a Custom Smart Pointer

Rust's ownership system and borrowing rules generally eliminate the need for manual memory management. However, for educational purposes, let's create a basic custom smart pointer in Rust using unsafe code.

Objective: Implement a simple SimpleBox smart pointer that holds a value of any type T and manages its memory allocation and deallocation manually using unsafe code.


  • This is a simplified example and doesn't handle ownership or deallocation issues as comprehensively as Rust's standard library smart pointers.

  • Using custom smart pointers with unsafe code requires extreme caution to avoid memory leaks and dangling pointers.

2. Performance Optimization with Raw Pointers

Imagine a function that calculates the sum of a large array of elements. While Rust's iterators provide a safe and readable way to achieve this, for very large arrays, using raw pointers might offer a slight performance improvement. However, this optimization comes at the cost of using unsafe code.

Challenge: Rewrite the following function using raw pointers to potentially improve performance (measure and compare the execution time):

fn sum_array(arr: &[i32]) -> i32 {
  let mut sum = 0;
  for &element in arr {
    sum += element;
  return sum;

Remember: This is just an example to showcase the potential use of unsafe for performance optimization. In many cases, the benefits might be negligible compared to the complexity and safety risks involved.


unsafe Rust is a powerful tool that unlocks advanced capabilities. However, it should be approached with caution and a deep understanding of Rust's ownership system and memory management. The exercises and challenges provided can help you solidify your understanding of unsafe code usage in different scenarios. Remember to prioritize safety and clarity when writing Rust code. Only resort to unsafe when absolutely necessary and after careful consideration of alternatives.


This article aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of unsafe Rust, its usage scenarios, and the associated considerations. By combining explanations, code examples, exercises, and challenges, it empowers you to explore unsafe Rust with a greater sense of responsibility and understanding. Remember, the Rust community prioritizes safety, so always strive to find safe and idiomatic solutions whenever possible.